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OBS Macro Scene Switcher

$150 streamdeck - seriously?! Switch scenes on the cheap.


Cost Item
$7.98 Keyboard Switches
$1.99 Altoids
$19.99 Arduino Micro
$29.96 Total


Connect five switches from digital pins 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 to ground as shown. When the switch is pressed - the pin is pulled logic low triggering the button press!


Next connect the arduino to your computer with a usb cable. Open the included .ino project with the Arduino IDE. Press “upload” to program your arduino. Make sure the board is correctly detected in Tools > Board Manager.

Configure OBS

In your OBS project create 5 scenes - for example Scene1 Scene2 Scene3 Scene4 Scene5. Go to File > Settings > Hotkey and scroll down to scene controls. Under each scene set “Switch to scene” hotkey to be the desired key. Control + 1 Control + 2 Control + 3 Control + 4 Control + 5

With the obs-macro-scene-switcher connected via USB - press one of the 5 buttons to switch between scenes. Good work!