
See project on github!

Mosaic For Lego Digital Designer

What is Mosaic?

Mosaic converts images to LEGO mosaics that can be opened with LEGO Digital Designer.

How does it work?

  1. The image is processed pixel by pixel
  2. Colors are reduced to the LEGO color palette
  3. Each pixel becomes a 1x1 brick
  4. Bricks are written to .lxf file

How to run mosaic

  1. Download the program files
  2. Download Python 3.5 for your operating system
  3. Install Tkinter and Pillow packages with PIP
  4. Run with Python 3.5

How to use mosaic

  1. Run with Python 3.5
  2. Select a .jpg or .png image
  3. Select a destination to save your .lxf mosaic
  4. Open .lxf with LEGO Digital Designer 4.3

Starry Night created from 48x48px jpg image - 2304 bricks, ~15x15in

Mona Lisa created from 48x96px jpg image - 4608 bricks, ~15x30in

A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte created from 150X100px jpg image - 15000 bricks, ~48x32in

Why no GUI?

Launcher is in the works! It will be distributed for Windows and MacOS.

Site generated 2024-09-20